A Matter of Perspective
This issue is about mental focus, fertility versus overpopulation, and the fruit of a tree called tamarind.
In this issue we’re increasing transparency by comparing news sources effectively, discovering how the imminent fertility collapse provides a far greater threat to human existence than overpopulation, and learning all about the sour, antioxidant packed deliciousness called tamarind. And finally, in a new article we’re exploring how to use our mind’s selective filter function to shape the life of our dreams.
✨ Sparks
🌐 Website: Newscompare
Online service that offers a customizable dashboard for side-by-side comparison of snapshots of common news sources from liberal to conservative, particularly for the US. Check out this article to learn about media bias and media bias charts.
📝 Article: Fertility Collapse Demands New Cultures
We’ve been hearing a lot about overpopulation in the mainstream media of the recent past which supports the worldwide installation of means and ideology to limit and control human procreation, such as contraception, abortion, education, discreditation and disintegration of culture and religion, corrosion of families and the cultivation of consumption and experience as desirable lifestyle virtues. Things that come on top of the degeneration of our IQ, sperm count and immune system driven by the modern way of working and living.
The true and far bigger challenge we’re facing is the reproduction and fertility collapse that threatens the survival of the human species.
While economic gain has historically been a driver of high birth rates, the global decline in child labor and household businesses with modernization has removed this factor. Lack of access to birth control is also increasingly no longer a factor with a massive worldwide increase in female education, sex education, and birth control availability. This is favorable news in many ways, but it also means this future of widespread prosperity, female education, and modernization is inherently unstable unless prosperous egalitarian societies can maintain or increase their populations through sustainable birth rates.
Those who propose to “solve demographic collapse with immigration” are implicitly endorsing the creation of a toxic situation where the developed world’s economy is reliant on Africa staying poor. This is because if high-birth-rate nations are allowed to continue on their path to development, they, too, will fall below the repopulation rate. Worse still, because the system we have built differentially feasts on the most productive and prosocial people and culturally castrates them, it unsustainably consumes human capital.
If you differentially kill friendly elephants with large tusks, the remaining elephants will have smaller tusks and exhibit more aggressive behavior. The same is true for humans. The sociological profile most amenable to what we think of as modern cosmopolitan society—one that is open-minded, pluralistic, technophilic, and egalitarian—is being aggressively deleted from the world’s population. Given the differential birth rates and the heritability of certain traits, we may see a standard deviation shift in political attitudes towards theocratic dictatorialism within the next 75 years or so.
We spent the last century or so ripping this cultural lattice [religious and cultural evolution] from our psyche and replacing it with the jury-rigged modern economic culture. These systems we ripped out were not an afterthought; humanity co-evolved with them. Should we be so shocked that birth rates plummeted and mental health problems skyrocketed when we ripped out a component our brains evolved to work with? Should we be so surprised that as cultural orphans with faded cultural memory, we search for meaning in the half-baked ideologies of Goop, Effective Altruism, and other modern guru-spheres?
We also don’t need to wait for someone to tell us what is true. The terrifying and exciting nature of the times is that each of us has the chance to define the future of our species through the cultures we create for our families [...].
Mainstream culture does not work: it does not motivate sustainable birth rates. In order to make the leap to a culture that does, many of us must create new cultures or significantly fortify those we inherited. Those who will throw their chips in with this massive cultural and demographic experiment by consciously creating a family, and then raising it in an intergenerationally durable culture, will shape the future of our species. Is this an easy feat? No. But what makes this endeavor so appealing and hopeful is that it is within nearly everyone’s reach, so long as they’re willing to try. The future belongs to those who show up.
🥑 Nutrition: Tamarind
Tamarind is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and supposedly provides a variety of health benefits, such as for heart and liver, and is used to treat constipation, diabetes, cancer and malaria. It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties. Check out this and this article to dig deeper. If you come across a place, where they serve freshly prepared tamarind juice, get yourself the treat. Just make sure to order it without added sugar to enjoy its natural refreshing sourness.
🆕 New Content
📝 Article: Taming Your Mind
Unleash the power of your mind’s primeval filter program. Learn to turn off autopilot, take charge and stoke your creative productivity.
💡 This Week’s Wisdom
Appetites belong to man only if he asserts rational control over them. If the opposite holds true, the man belongs to his appetites. Addiction is the only word which seems to convey this truth in our culture. And so just as Joe Camel can induce children to smoke, sex education and pornography can induce them to masturbate. Both are forms of social control, but only the former is recognized as such. The latter is invariably construed as ‘liberation from repression,’ not because it is so, but because the regime wants us to believe it is so. Unless passion is under rational control, it is invariably under the control of someone else, especially in an advertising culture like ours, which is based on manipulation.
From Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control by E. MICHAEL JONES (No link this time, Dr. Jones’ work has been banned from Amazon).
Captured and resurfaced using the phenomenal Kindle reader.
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