Circles Of Trauma And Unhappiness

This issue is about biological inheritance of trauma, about happiness, and morality and its costs.

Circles Of Trauma And Unhappiness
📷 nomao saeki

In this issue we’re learning about the underlying mechanics of intergenerational trauma and how epigenetics has no stakes in it, how the concept of happiness itself as commoditized asset is being used to keep us in a state of unhappiness, and how regulatory (allegedly) designed to save life sometimes prevents life. And finally, in a new article we’re exploring how the collectivization of costs for moral standards takes away our autonomy and how we can reclaim it.

✨ Sparks

📝 Article: You can’t take it with you: straight talk about epigenetics and intergenerational trauma

Geneticist Razib Khan elaborating on the precise definition of epigenetics and why it has no stake in intergenerational or transgenerational trauma, although mainstream media and public figures use it as attention-grabbing vehicle to backup their own causes. For exemplification he uncovers the fraudulent misuse by the popular YouTube channel SciShow Psych in its video Can Trauma Be Inherited? The video misdefines the term epigenetics (“study of what can be inherited from parent to child biologically, but outside of the actual letters of your DNA”) and continues for about half of its total length in depicting poorly backed up, barely scientific speculations. In the second half it modifies its messages, stating that research regarding epigenetic explanations for intergenerational trauma is “tenuous” and reverts to much simpler and more likely explanations found in disciplines like behaviorism, leaving consumers who peeled off early misguided. Learn how videos like this are designed to cloud your view and keep you from growing in this earlier issue of Sunday Sparks on How To Escape The Prison Of Expiring Information.

You can’t take it with you: straight talk about epigenetics and intergenerational trauma
The true story of a powerful molecular process and how pseudoscience co-opted it

🎬 YouTube Video: Happiness

Gain perspective through this highly acclaimed animated “story of a rodent’s unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment” about how the concept of happiness is being used to exploit your time and work force—respectively your life energy. It’s a humanly created mirage that happiness could be purchased. Happiness is a state of being that can be chosen by developing conscious awareness. For free. Learn how to Find And Flip Your Switch of Happiness in this earlier issue of Sunday Sparks.

🧬 Science & Research: Car Seats as Contraception

Boston College/University of Washington paper showing how

“[US] laws steadily raising the age for which a child must ride in a car safety seat [...] prevented only 57 car crash fatalities of children nationwide in 2017. Simultaneously, they led to a permanent reduction of approximately 8,000 births in the same year”.

Learn from this example how any act of regulatory intervention bears consequences that are either unexpected or uncommunicated, and most often necessitates further intervention. If these laws actually had the intention to secure the survival of US citizens, they weren’t very fruitful. Especially since the US fertility rate continues to fall and remain “far below replacement”.

Car Seats as Contraception
Since 1977, U.S. states have passed laws steadily raising the age for which a child must ride in a car safety seat. These laws significantly raise the cost of h

🆕 New Content

📝 Article: The Price Of Morality

How socialistic forms of state lure you to adopt easily accessible high moral standards in order to secretly bill you later. Break the cycle and become a solitaire.

The Price Of Morality
🕊️ How socialistic forms of state lure you to adopt easily accessible high moral standards and secretly bill you later.

🙏🏻 Gratitude Journal

One of the most powerful daily practices to liberate yourself from mental downward spirals is to bring the things to your attention that you are grateful for.

  1. I am grateful for all my senses functioning properly, thus for my ability to be overwhelmed at times.
  2. I am grateful for the valuable friendships that provide guidance in my life.
  3. I am grateful for all the inconveniences that happened to me this week, which led to new experiences; like taking a 40 minute walk home at 01:00 in the morning.

What are you grateful for?

💡 This Week’s Wisdom

Always stop to think whether your fun may not be the cause of another’s unhappiness.

From The Boys and The Frogs by AESOP.

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Flows straight into content, not coffee.