Overcoming Obstacles

This issue is about getting back on track, entrepreneurial blueprint, and the transition from fear to liberation.

Overcoming Obstacles
📷 Michael Rosner-Hyman

In this issue we’re discovering the true main objectives of our school systems, learning how to get ourselves up again after failing on our mission of addiction recovery, and discovering how Gymshark CEO Ben Francis built a Billion Dollar fitness brand from scratch. And finally, in a new article we’re learning how to reconnect our mind and body and tap into our most authentic self.

✨ Sparks

📝 Article: The Price of Discipline

About teenage emotional struggles, distorted school systems, ADHD prescriptions and addictive coping mechanisms. Learn how the school system’s major objective is to mold you into conformity, not encourage you to become an independent being of free thought.

According to one Pew Research study, 70% of teens list “anxiety and depression” as a major problem in their local community. Another study found that half of PhD students experience psychological distress. All these emotional struggles lead to an overmedicated society.
The Price of Discipline - David Perell
David shares how discipline can lead to unhappiness and stifle learning for both children and adults. Read now.

🎬 YouTube Video: NoFap How To Get Back On Track

Motivational video for people on the path of reverting pornography addiction. Although the video is targeted specifically for people who messed up their cerebral dopamine reward system through abuse of pornography, it depicts a universal formula for any drawback in life. It was recommended to me from a friend who is challenged with an eating disorder.

🎙️ Podcast: Delivering Pizzas to Managing a Billion Dollar Business

Ali Abdaal interviewing Gymshark CEO Ben Francis on how he built a billion Dollar fitness brand from scratch.

Ben founded Gymshark at only 19 years old while studying at Aston University. With only his £5 an hour pizza delivery shift money in his back pocket, Ben went from hand making and screen printing clothes in a shed with a group of friends to owning one of the fastest growing global brands in fitness.
Delivering Pizzas to Managing a Billion Dollar Business - Ben Francis Gymshark CEO
“We’ll look back at this period in ten, twenty, thirty years time as the moment of opportunity” – Ben Francis […]

🆕 New Content

📝 Article: Reunite Mind And Body And Break Your Chains Of Slavery

We live in a world of complex interdependent systems, most of which are designed to segregate our minds and bodies in order to exploit us from a state of fear and broken spirit. Learn how to liberate yourself by reuniting your body and mind.

Reunite Mind And Body And Break Your Chains Of Slavery
🕊️ Our bodies and minds are systematically being segregated. Learn how to reclaim your freedom.

🙏🏻 Gratitude Journal

One of the most powerful daily practices to liberate yourself from mental downward spirals is to bring the things to your attention that you are grateful for.

  1. I am grateful for the meaningful friendships in my life.
  2. Yesterday I went to the sauna and burned myself at the hot oven. I am grateful that my body sends me these signals of pain to help me make sense of the world around me.
  3. I am grateful for all the sunshine and the overall great weather this week.

What are you grateful for?

💡 This Week’s Wisdom

In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least.

From The Rational Male by ROLLO TOMASSI.
Captured and resurfaced using the phenomenal Kindle reader.

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Flows straight into content, not coffee.