Society’s Labyrinth

This issue is about time and meaningful activities, sexual enslavement, and about death.

Society’s Labyrinth
📷 Ilse Orsel

In this issue we’re learning about breath and breathing methods, discovering how the modern political and societal force towards sexual liberation disguises control and exploitation, and we’re learning about Steve Job’s three life lessons and his perspective on death. And finally, in a new article we’re exploring how to invest our time in things that serve our goals instead of wasting it.

✨ Sparks

📝 Article: Sexual Liberation Is A Form Of Political Control

Learn from Roosh Valizadeh how society and those who control the society disguise emotional slavery as sexual and moral liberation by fostering and exploiting addictive patterns in order to gain control and maintain hierarchy.

You feel an ache or void so you seek a new sex partner. That keeps you dazzled with pleasure for a short while and then you’re lonely again and lacking. You swear to yourself that you don’t need anyone, and being single is just fine, but that doesn’t last long before finding a new sex partner to repeat the process. Years go by, and all you have to show for your sexual “success” is cynicism towards the opposite sex and a cold heart that makes it that much harder to connect with the right person of the faith.
Sexual Liberation Is A Form Of Political Control
Libido Dominandi, written by Dr. E. Michael Jones, shows how sexual liberation is a top-down scheme of political control. What you think of as “free love” or “natural biological urges” is really an extensive plan by the elites to keep you obsessed and occupied with sex. In essence, our modern societ

⭐️ Practice: Working with your breath aka practice breathing

Amongst the many different aspects in which we have alienated ourselves from the characteristics and demands of our natural habitats, our breathing is arguably one of the most impactful. The way we breathe has changed ever since mankind has started to domesticate itself throughout the course of settling and the agricultural, cognitive and industrial revolution. Slowly, at first, but with ever increasing pace. The symptoms of the changes in our natural breathing have become particularly apparent in the face of current rapid shifts by digitalization and globalization.

Our tidal volume has decreased while the amount of humanly created toxins we breathe has increased. We generally breathe flatter and in shorter draws. We tend to hold our breath instead of keeping a constant rhythm. Airborne particulate matter from machinery, gases from industrial and household chemicals, oxidative stress and changes in the way we socialize, work and exercise take their toll.

Creating more awareness for one’s own breathing is an essential practice for reconnecting with your body, your primal survival instincts, your overall sense of wellbeing and your health. Thus, your capacity to make mature and independent decisions. Check out this article for a rough overview about different techniques.

For me techniques of simple observation of the breath as well as the Wim Hof Method helped me to feel more comfortable and grounded in my body, to reduce stress and tension and to increase my awareness for the health of my body.

What is the Wim Hof Method? | Practice The Method
Discover each of the 3 pillars underlying the Wim Hof Method and the various ways you can learn to practice the method. Start your journey today.

🎬 YouTube Video: Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Let Steve Jobs tell you three stories from his life about connecting the dots, about love and loss and about death, and learn how to trust your rawest self to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

🆕 New Content

📝 Article: Stop Wasting Your Time

Whenever you fall into the trap of wasting your precious time, just consult this list of meaningful activities.

Stop Wasting Your Time
🕊️ Whenever you fall into the trap of wasting your precious time, just consult this list of meaningful activities.

🙏🏻 Gratitude Journal

One of the most powerful daily practices to liberate yourself from mental downward spirals is to bring the things to your attention that you are grateful for.

  1. I am grateful for olives and tomatoes.
  2. I am grateful for music.
  3. I am grateful for the sound of leaves in the wind.

What are you grateful for?

💡 This Week’s Wisdom

“I never could bring myself to trust a traitor,” the Baron said. “Not even a traitor I created.”

From Dune (Book I) by FRANK HERBERT.
Captured and resurfaced using the phenomenal Kindle reader.

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Flows straight into content, not coffee.