The Look And Feel Of Life

This issue is about decisions of life and death, visualized emotions, and the information-knowledge incongruence.

The Look And Feel Of Life
📷 Tengyart

In this issue we’re exploring the concept of freedom with regards to the unborn human being, learning about different concepts about the interaction of mind and body from a scientific perspective, and uncovering how people typically experience emotions through color coded body mapping. And finally, in a new article we’re discovering how expiring information lures us off the path to knowledge and insight.

✨ Sparks

🎬 YouTube Video: Dr. Bernard Nathanson vs. Henry Morgentaler: Abortion & Rape

In this recording of a 1983 television discourse Dr. Bernard Nathanson explains how the appropriate response to pregnancies as a result of rape lies in finding social solutions instead of destructive surgical means. Nathanson was an American medical doctor who directed the largest abortion clinic in the world, presiding over 60,000 abortions, before he found God and co-founded the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws. He also narrated the controversial anti-abortion film The Silent Scream. As further read I recommend his highly appraised work Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life.

📝 Article: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection Through Research

In reminiscence of the last issue of Sunday Sparks. Elaborate collection about different philosophical, scientific and metaphysical approaches to understanding the connection between the humanly body and the mind. Easily digestible and backed with a ton of research.

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection Through Research
We look at the research of mind-body interaction.

📝 Article: What Happiness Feels Like Physically In The Body

Understand your own emotions better by visualizing how their sensory composition typically map on the human body.

What Happiness Feels Like Physically In The Body - PsyBlog
The physical sensation of happiness and other emotions revealed by study mapping bodily emotions.

🆕 New Content

📝 Article: How To Escape The Prison Of Expiring Information

How mainstream media deludes you with expiring information. Learn how to cut through the noise to generate true knowledge, insight and wisdom.

How To Escape The Prison Of Expiring Information
🕊️ How mainstream media deludes you with expiring information. Learn to cut through the noise.

🙏🏻 Gratitude Journal

One of the most powerful daily practices to liberate yourself from mental downward spirals is to bring the things to your attention that you are grateful for.

  1. I feel grateful for the immense amount of information available through the internet
  2. I am grateful for my ability to choose
  3. I am grateful for the rain, sustaining life and providing food

What are you grateful for?

💡 This Week’s Wisdom

The pupil is thereby ‘schooled’ to confuse teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new.

From Deschooling Society by IVAN ILLICH.
Captured and resurfaced using the phenomenal Kindle reader.

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Flows straight into content, not coffee.