One Tool To Deal With Confusion, Doubt And Anxiety

Many feel incongruence about their place and role in a world of increasing complexity. Learn how to recenter with external anchor points for your meditation.

One Tool To Deal With Confusion, Doubt And Anxiety
đź“· Klemen Vrankar

The systemized material world we live in oftentimes appears as a vast maze, constructed of distractions, confusions, and seducements. Its enormous complexity induces anxieties, doubts, stress, frustration, and heavy emotional responses, just to name a few of the effects.

Similar to the Universe we live in, any system is difficult to observe and grasp when you’re part of it. To gain perspective it helps tremendously to find a fixed point for orientation outside the system in which you’re operating.

One of the most simple and powerful tools to regain clarity in the face of the aforementioned effects is therefore stargazing. The stars of the night sky provide an excellent anchor point for your mind beyond all humanly created systems on Earth. Invest at least 20 minutes of your time in this practice. There’s no specific technique, guideline, or discipline to follow. You simply lay down, start observing the stars, and let thoughts come and go as they please. Have a notebook and a pen at hand to jot down ideas, reflections, and insights when the Universe reveals its wisdom to you. Use this tool selectively or make it a weekly habit. The idea for this very article came to me during a recent stargazing session.

Stargazing is so powerful because it helps you to put your existence into perspective. If the sky is clouded, you can alternatively gaze at the distant horizon, the pouring rain, a high mountain range, or into the eyes of your newborn son. You can use any object that is not an integral part of any humanly created system and bears the infinity of existence. Experiment and find your anchor point. You may discover, however, that the night sky most likely remains the most powerful.

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